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Red Series Dimmer Switch • Parameters

This article lists out all the parameters for the Inovelli Red Series Dimmer Switch (LZW31-SN) and explains what they do.

Eric Hines avatar
Written by Eric Hines
Updated over a week ago

DISCLAIMER: You may notice there are a lot of over-used keywords or phrases as well as English that seems a little off. This is because these articles are used to feed our AI Robot (Ira) and she needs the data to be structured in a certain way.

Please use this document as a resource to understand the various parameters on your Red Series Dimmer switch (LZW31-SN). We try to keep this up-to-date, but as we constantly change our firmware, there may be a mistake. Please reach out if you see anything that needs to be corrected.

Parameter Table

Please see the table below for a quick reference guide to the parameters on the Red Series Dimmer switch (LZW31-SN). The table is meant to provide a high level view of all the parameters. For a full explanation of each parameter, please click on the hyperlink in each cell to be taken down the page to the appropriate section.






FW Version






























































































































Switch Parameter Descriptions

Below we'll list out the parameter number, description, range, default value, size, firmware version it was implemented and an example of how to use it.

IF USING A DUMB SWITCH: Parameters 1-4 will not work when pressing the dumb switch manually.

NOTE: Third party code may need to be implemented (device handler, driver, etc) for these parameters to work properly. Some hubs may not support these features.

AC Power, Switch Type & Smart Bulb Mode

AC Power Type is a parameter that puts the switch is in neutral or non-neutral mode.

Switch Type refers to the type of wiring installation your switch is in: Single Pole, 3-Way Dumb or 3-Way Aux

Smart Bulb Mode is a mode that allows your switch to be used with smart bulbs that are wired to the switch (ie: it locks in full power and sends digital signals to the hub to turn on/off/dim the smart bulb rather than cutting power to the bulb)

Parameter 21 - AC Power Type

To change your Red Series Dimmer Switch to a neutral or non-neutral mode, please look for Parameter 21 in your hubs user interface. By default this parameter is set to a value of 1, which is neutral.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = No-Neutral

    • 1 = Neutral

  • Default: 1

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 22 - Switch Type

To program your Red Series Dimmer switch which installation type it's in (ie: Single Pole, 3-Way Dumb, or 3-Way Aux) you'll want to change Parameter 22 and enter in 0 for Single Pole (which is also the default), 1 for Multi-Way (3-Way) with a Dumb switch or 2 for Multi-Way (3-Way) with an Auxiliary / Add-On switch.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-2

    • 0 = Single Pole

    • 1 = Multi-Way (3-Way) with a Dumb / Existing Switch

    • 2 = Multi-Way (3-Way) with an Aux / Add-On Switch

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 52 - Smart Bulb Mode

To turn on or off Smart Bulb Mode on your Red Series Dimmer change Parameter 52 to reflect that state that you'd like, with 1 turning on Smart Bulb Mode and the default being 0 which has Smart Bulb Mode disabled. Please make sure you have firmware version 1.47 or above to use this feature.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Smart Bulb Mode Disabled (Off)

    • 1 = Smart Bulb Mode Enabled (On)

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.47+

Dimming Speed & Ramp Rate Adjustment Parameters

Dimming speed refers to how fast or slow the light turns on when you change the dim level either remotely or locally (at the switch) such as from 10-20%, 60-80%, etc.

Ramp rate refers to how fast or slow the light turns on when you either remotely or locally (at the switch) bring the switch from off to on (or on to off).

Parameter 1 - Dimming Speed - Local

To change the dimming speed at the switch (locally) on your Red Series Dimmer Switch, you would select Parameter 1 within your hub and then input a range of 0-100, with each interval equating to 1 second with the default value of 3 meaning that the switch will dim on and off in 3 seconds.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-100

    • 0 = Instant On (Mimics an On/Off Switch)

    • 1 = 1 second

    • 100 = 100 seconds

  • Default: 3

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 2 - Dimming Speed - Remote

To change the remote dimming speed on your Red Series Dimmer Switch, you would select Parameter 2 within your hub and then input a range of 0-101, with each interval equating to 1 second with the default being that the switch will default to whatever is selected in Parameter 1.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = Instant On (Mimics an On/Off Switch)

    • 1 = 1 second

    • 100 = 100 seconds

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 1

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 3 - Ramp Rate - Local

To change the ramp rate for how fast the Red Series Dimmer Switch goes from off to on and on to off (locally) you would select Parameter 3 within your hub and then input a range of 0-101, with each interval equating to 1 second with the default being that the switch will default to whatever is selected in Parameter 1.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = Instant On

    • 1 = 1 second

    • 100 = 100 seconds

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 1

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 4 - Ramp Rate - Remote

To change the remote ramp rate for how fast your Red Series Dimmer Switch goes from off to on and on to off you would select Parameter 4 within your hub and then input a range of 0-101, with each interval equating to 1 second with the default being that the switch will default to whatever is selected in Parameter 1.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = Instant On

    • 1 = 1 second

    • 100 = 100 seconds

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 1

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Min / Max Dim Level, Invert Switch, & Auto Off Timer Parameters

Minimum Dim Level refers to the minimum level the light switch will dim to.

Maximum Dim Level refers to the maximum level the light switch will dim to.

Invert Switch refers to inverting the switch (where tapping up on the switch will turn the switch off and tapping down on the switch will turn the switch on)

Auto-Off Timer refers to the switch being turned off after a certain amount of time (in seconds).

Parameter 5 - Minimum Dim Level

To change the minimum dim level for how low your Red Series Dimmer Switch dims to, you would select Parameter 5 within your hub and then input a range of 1-45, where the lower the numeric value equals the lower the minimum dim level (1 = 1%) and the higher the numeric value equals the higher the minimum dim level (45 = 45%) with the default being that the switch will be at 1%.

This is typically used for fixing flickering bulbs or calibrating the bulb if it shuts off prior to 1%.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 1-45

    • 1 = 1%

    • 45 = 45%

  • Default: 1

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 6 - Maximum Dim Level

To change the maximum dim level for how high your Red Series Dimmer Switch dims to, you would select Parameter 6 within your hub and then input a range of 55-99, where the lower the numeric value equals the lower the maximum dim level (55 = 55%) and the higher the numeric value equals the higher the maximum dim level (99 = 100%) with the default being that the switch will be at 100%.

This is typically used for calibrating the bulb if reaches the maximum level before 100%.

NOTE: The Z-Wave Command Class required for dimming (SwitchMultiLevel) only has a range of 0-99 (this is why you don't see 100 listed for 100%). We've scaled the range of 0-99 to equal 0-100 and in this case, 99 = 100%.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 55-99

    • 55 = 55%

    • 99 = 100%

  • Default: 99

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 7 - Invert Switch

To invert your Red Series Dimmer Switch (ie: tapping on the up button turns your light off and tapping on the down button turns your light on), you would select Parameter 7 within your hub and then select either 0 to keep it non-inverted or 1 to invert it with the default being that the switch is not inverted (value of 0).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Disabled

    • 1 = Enabled

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 8 - Auto-Off Timer

To set an auto-off timer where you can have your Red Series Dimmer Switch turn off after a certain amount of seconds, you would select Parameter 8 within your hub and then input a range of 0-32767, where each interval is a second.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-32767

    • 0 = Disabled

    • 1 = 1 second

    • 32767 = 32767 seconds

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 2

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Default Levels, Level After Power Restored & LED Indicator Timeout Parameters

Default Level - Local refers to the default dim level the switch goes to when turned on at the switch (ie: if you set the default level to 60%, that's the percentage the switch turns on to when you turn it on).

Default Level - Remote refers to the default dim level the switch goes to when turned on remotely via the app (ie: if you set the default level to 60%, that's the percentage the switch turns on to when you turn it on).

Level After Power Restored refers to the level the switch will return to when power is restored to it (ie: after a power outage).

LED Indicator Timeout changes the amount of time (in seconds) the RGB Bar shows the Dim Level (ie: if you are actively dimming the light, the LED Bar will show you approximately what level the light is at -- the timeout is the time that indicator shows once you let go of the paddle)

Parameter 9 - Default Level - Local

To set the default level your Red Series Dimmer Switch turns on to when you manually press the switch, you would select Parameter 9 within your hub and then input a range of 0-99, where a value of 0 means that the switch will go to the last state it was in prior to being turned off and the lower the numeric value equals a lower dim level (1 = 1%) and the higher the numeric value equals a higher dim level (99 = 100%) with the default being that the switch will return to the prior state it was in.

NOTE: The Z-Wave Command Class required for dimming (SwitchMultiLevel) only has a range of 0-99 (this is why you don't see 100 listed for 100%). We've scaled the range of 0-99 to equal 0-100 and in this case, 99 = 100%.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-99

    • 0 = Returns to state prior to being turned off

    • 1 = 1%

    • 99 = 100%

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 10 - Default Level - Remote

To set the default level your Red Series Dimmer Switch turns on to when you turn on your switch remotely (via an app), you would select Parameter 10 within your hub and then input a range of 0-99, where a value of 0 means that the switch will go to the last state it was in prior to being turned off and the lower the numeric value equals a lower dim level (1 = 1%) and the higher the numeric value equals a higher dim level (99 = 100%) with the default being that the switch will return to the prior state it was in.

NOTE: The Z-Wave Command Class required for dimming (SwitchMultiLevel) only has a range of 0-99 (this is why you don't see 100 listed for 100%). We've scaled the range of 0-99 to equal 0-100 and in this case, 99 = 100%.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-99

    • 0 = Returns to state prior to being turned off

    • 1 = 1%

    • 99 = 100%

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 11 - Level After Power Restored

To set the behavior that your Red Series Dimmer Switch enacts after a power outage, you would select Parameter 11 within your hub and then input a range of 0-99, where a value of 0 equals off, 100 equals the last level the switch was set at, the lower the numeric value equals a lower dim level (1 = 1%) and the higher the numeric value equals a higher dim level (99 = 100%) with the default being that the switch will return to the prior state it was in.

NOTE: The Z-Wave Command Class required for dimming (SwitchMultiLevel) only has a range of 0-99 (this is why you don't see 100 listed for 100%). We've scaled the range of 0-99 to equal 0-100 and in this case, 99 = 100%.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-100

    • 0 = Off

    • 1 = 1%

    • 99 = 100%

    • 100 = Returns to state prior to power outage

  • Default: 100

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 17 - LED Indicator Timeout

To adjust the time that the LED Bar displays the value of what your Red Series Dimmer Switch is at (ie: on/off, dim level), you would select Parameter 17 within your hub and then input a range of 0-10, where a value of 0 equals always off and each interval equals one second with the default value of 3.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-10

    • 0 = LED Bar is always off

    • 1 = 1 second

    • 10 = 10 seconds

  • Default: 3

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Power & Energy Parameters

Active Power Reports refer to the reporting of the power level change and will result in a new power report being sent in wattage (W).

Periodic Power & Energy Reports refer to the time period between consecutive power and energy reports being sent (in seconds).

Energy Reports refer to the reporting of the energy level change and will result in a new energy report being sent in kilowatt hours (kWh).

Parameter 18 - Active Power Reports

To adjust the threshold at which a power report is sent based on a change in Wattage on your Red Series Dimmer Switch, you would select Parameter 18 within your hub and then input a range of 0-32767, where zero disables the reports and each interval equals 0.1 Watt.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-32767

    • 0 = Power Reports are Disabled

    • 1 = 0.1W change

    • 10 = 1W change

    • 100 = 10W change

    • 32767 = 3276.7W change

  • Default: 10

  • Size (Bytes): 2

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 19 - Periodic Power & Energy Reports

To adjust the time period at which consecutive power or energy reports are sent on your Red Series Dimmer Switch, you would select Parameter 19 within your hub and then input a range of 0-32767, where zero disables the reports and each interval equals 1 second.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-32767

    • 0 = Periodic Power & Energy Reports are Disabled

    • 1 = 1 second

    • 32767 = 32767 seconds

  • Default: 3600

  • Size (Bytes): 2

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 20 - Active Energy Reports

To adjust the threshold at which an energy report is sent based on a change in kilowatt hours on your Red Series Dimmer Switch, you would select Parameter 20 within your hub and then input a range of 0-32767, where zero disables the reports and each interval equals 0.01 kilowatt hours (kWh).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-32767

    • 0 = Energy Reports are Disabled

    • 1 = 0.01 kWh change

    • 10 = 0.1 kWh change

    • 100 = 1 kWh change

    • 32767 = 32767 327.67 kWh change

  • Default: 10

  • Size (Bytes): 2

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

LED Indicator Parameters (Color, Intensity)

For a visual example of notifications, please visit the Inovelli Toolbox which will show you what the various animations look like (be sure to select, "Dimmer Switch (LZW31-SN)").

Parameter 13 - Default LED Color

To adjust the color of the LED Bar on the Red Series Dimmer switch find parameter 13 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Dimmer Switch (LZW31-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is 170 which is Blue.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

  • Default: 170

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 14 - Default LED Intensity (When On)

To adjust the LED Bar's brightness on the Red Series Dimmer switch when the light (load) is on, find parameter 14 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 1 = 10%, 10 = 100%, etc). The default value is 5 (50%).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-100

    • 0 = LED Bar Off

    • 1 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 5 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 10 = 100% (High Intensity)

  • Default: 5

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 15 - Default LED Intensity (When Off)

To adjust the LED Bar's brightness on the Red Series Dimmer switch when the light (load) is off, find parameter 15 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 1 = 10%, 10 = 100%, etc). The default value is 1 (10%).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-100

    • 0 = LED Bar Off

    • 1 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 5 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 10 = 100% (High Intensity)

  • Default: 1

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Parameter 16 - Default LED Notification

To adjust the LED Bar's notification on the Red Series Dimmer, find parameter 16 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to see what the notification will look like is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox. First, select, "Dimmer Switch (LZW31-SN)" and then you can play with the color selector, brightness level, duration and finally you can select the animation itself by clicking on the, "Effect" drop-down. The default is for the LED's notifications to be set to 0, which is off.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-4294967296

    • 0 = Off

    • 1-4294967296 = A sum of the bytes listed below (use Inovelli Toolbox to calculate)

      • Byte 1 = Duration

      • Byte 2 = Brightness Level

      • Byte 3 = Color

      • Byte 4 = Effect

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 4

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.35+

Other Parameters

Switch Delay refers to the delay between when you press the switch and the light turns on. By default, there is a 700ms delay to account for multi-taps (scene control). In other words, the switch does not turn on right away because it's waiting for a potential multi-tap. You can turn this delay off, but you will lose multi-tap control on the paddle (you will still have it on the config/favorites button).

Switch Delay Adjustment refers to adjusting the specific time between when you press the switch and the light turns on.

Parameter 12 - Association Behavior

When should the switch send commands to associated devices?

01 - local

02 - 3way

03 - 3way & local

04 - z-wave hub

05 - z-wave hub & local

06 - z-wave hub & 3-way

07 - z-wave hub & local & 3way

08 - timer

09 - timer & local

10 - timer & 3-way

11 - timer & 3-way & local

12 - timer & z-wave hub

13 - timer & z-wave hub & local

14 - timer & z-wave hub & 3-way

15 - all

Parameter 50 - Switch Delay Adjustment

To adjust delay between when the Red Series Dimmer is pressed and the light turns on/off find Parameter 50 and adjust accordingly. Each interval represents 100 milliseconds (1 = 100ms, 2 = 200ms, etc). The default is a value of 7, which puts a 700 millisecond delay. Please make sure you have Parameter 51 turned on and a firmware version of 1.49 or above to use this feature.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 1-9

    • 1 = 100 Millisecond Delay

    • 2 = 200 Millisecond Delay

    • 7 = 700 Millisecond Delay

    • 9 = 900 Millisecond Delay

  • Default: 7

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.49+

Parameter 51 - Switch Delay

To turn off the delay between when the Red Series Dimmer is pressed and the light turns on/off find Parameter 51 and enter a value of 0 which allows for, "instant on/off" and will turn the light on/off as soon as you let go of the paddle. Please note that if you set the switch to, "instant on/off" it will disable multi-tap scene control from the paddle (you will still have multi-tap scene control from the config/favorites button). The default is a value of 1, which has a 700 millisecond delay. Please make sure you have firmware version 1.47 or above to use this feature.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = No Button Delay (0ms)

    • 1 = 700 Millisecond Delay

  • Default: 1

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.47+

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