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Blue Series Fan Switch • Parameters

This article lists out all the parameters for the Inovelli Blue Series Fan Switch (VZM35-SN) and explains what they do.

Eric Hines avatar
Written by Eric Hines
Updated over 8 months ago

DISCLAIMER: You may notice there are a lot of over-used keywords or phrases as well as English that seems a little off. This is because these articles are used to feed our AI Robot (Ira) and she needs the data to be structured in a certain way.

Please use this document as a resource to understand the various parameters on your Blue Series Fan switch. We try to keep this up-to-date, but as we constantly change our firmware, there may be a mistake. Please reach out if you see anything that needs to be corrected.

Parameter Table

Please see the table below for a quick reference guide to the parameters on the Blue Series Fan switch (VZM35-SN). The table is meant to provide a high level view of all the parameters. For a full explanation of each parameter, please click on the hyperlink in each cell to be taken down the page to the appropriate section.






FW Version
































































































































































































































































































































< 1.05


















































































Switch Parameters

Below we'll list out the parameter number, description, range, default value, size, firmware version it was implemented and an example of how to use it.

NOTE: Third party code may need to be implemented (device handler, driver, etc) for these parameters to work properly. Some hubs may not support these features.

AC Power Type, Switch Mode & Type and Smart Fan Mode Parameters

AC Power Type is a read only parameter that shows whether or not the switch is in neutral or non-neutral mode.

Switch Type refers to the type of wiring installation your switch is in: Single Pole or 3-Way Aux

Non-Neutral Medium Speed Learning Value (for Aux Switch) refers to the instance where there's no neutral wire used in the installation and the fan needs to learn where to set the medium speed. This sequence is automatically determined by following the Special Programming for Aux Switch in Non-Neutral Mode article.

Non-Neutral Low Speed Learning Value (for Aux Switch) refers to the instance where there's no neutral wire used in the installation and the fan needs to learn where to set the low speed. This sequence is automatically determined by following the Special Programming for Aux Switch in Non-Neutral Mode article.

Smart Fan Mode is a mode that allows your switch to be used with smart fans that are wired to the switch (ie: it locks in full power and sends digital signals to the hub to turn on/off/change speeds the smart fan rather than cutting power to the fan).

Switch Mode refers to the switch being in either Exhaust Fan (On/Off) or Ceiling Fan (3-Speed) mode.

Parameter 21 - AC Power Type (READ ONLY)

To see whether or not your Blue Series Fan Switch is in neutral or non-neutral mode, please look for Parameter 21 in your hubs user interface (NOTE: This is a read only parameter that cannot be changed, so it may not show up on some hub user interfaces such as SmartThings). Please remember that if your Blue Series Fan switch is installed without a neutral wire, you will only have two speeds to choose from - low and medium.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = No-Neutral detected

    • 1 = Neutral detected

  • Default: 1

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 22 - Switch Type

To program your Blue Series Fan switch which installation type it's in (ie: Single Pole or 3-Way Aux) you'll want to change Parameter 22 and enter in 0 for Single Pole (which is also the default) or 1 for Multi-Way (3-Way) with an Aux switch. Please note that the Blue Series Fan switch cannot be used with a dumb switch.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Single Pole

    • 1 = Multi-Way (3-Way) with an Aux / Add-On Switch

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 30 - Non-Neutral Medium Speed Learning Value for Aux Switches (READ ONLY)

This is a read-only parameter that allows your fan to learn where to set the medium value when you're using an Aux Switch in non-neutral mode.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 42-135

  • Default: 90

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 31 - Non-Neutral Low Speed Learning Value for Aux Switches (READ ONLY)

This is a read-only parameter that allows your fan to learn where to set the low value when you're using an Aux Switch in non-neutral mode.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 42-135

  • Default: 110

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 52 - Smart Fan Mode

To turn on, "Smart Fan Mode" on your Blue Series Fan switch you'll want to change Parameter 52 to a value of 1. This allows your switch to lock full power to the load (ie: your fan) so that your smart fan has constant power. By default this feature is off and the value is set to 0.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = "Smart Fan Mode" is off

    • 1 = "Smart Fan Mode" is on

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 258 - Switch Mode

To change your Blue Series Fan Switch from Exhaust Fan Mode (On/Off) to Ceiling Fan Mode (3-Speed) or Ceiling Fan to Exhaust Fan, please select Parameter 258 and adjust accordingly with 0 being Ceiling Fan Mode and 1 being Exhaust Fan Mode which is also the default setting.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Ceiling Fan (3-Speed)

    • 1 = Exhaust Fan (On/Off)

  • Default: 1

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Fan Speed & Ramp Rate Adjustment Parameters

Fan speed refers to how fast or slow the fan turns on when you change the speed level either remotely or locally (at the switch) such as from low to medium, high to low, etc.

Ramp rate refers to how fast or slow the fan turns on when you either remotely or locally (at the switch) bring the switch from off to on (or on to off).

Parameter 1 - Fan Speed (↑) - Remote (Ceiling Fan Mode Only)

To change the remote fan speed for changing speeds up on your Blue Series Fan Switch (when you hold down on the paddle), you would select Parameter 1 within your hub and then input a range of 0-126, with each interval equating to 100 milliseconds and the default being 2.5 seconds.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-126

    • 0 = Instant On

    • 5 = Fast (500 milliseconds)

    • 126 = Slow (12.6 seconds)

  • Default: 25 (2.5 seconds)

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 2 - Fan Speed (↑) - Local (Ceiling Fan Mode Only)

To change the fan speed at the switch (locally) for changing fan speeds up on your Blue Series Fan Switch (when you hold down on the paddle), you would select Parameter 2 within your hub and then input a range of 0-127, with each interval equating to 100 milliseconds and the default being that the switch will default to whatever is selected in Parameter 1.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-127

    • 0 = Instant On

    • 5 = Fast (500 milliseconds)

    • 126 = Slow (12.6 seconds)

    • 127 = Sync to Parameter 1

  • Default: 127

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 5 - Fan Speed (↓) - Remote (Ceiling Fan Mode Only)

To change the remote fan speed for changing fan speeds down on your Blue Series Fan Switch (when you hold down on the paddle), you would select Parameter 5 within your hub and then input a range of 0-126, with each interval equating to 100 milliseconds and the default being that the switch will default to whatever is selected in Parameter 1.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-127

    • 0 = Instant Off

    • 5 = Fast (500 milliseconds)

    • 126 = Slow (12.6 seconds)

    • 127 = Sync to Parameter 1

  • Default: 127

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 6 - Fan Speed (↓) - Local (Ceiling Fan Mode Only)

To change the remote fan speed at the switch (locally) for changing fan speeds down on your Blue Series Fan Switch, you would select Parameter 6 within your hub and then input a range of 0-127, with each interval equating to 100 milliseconds and the default being that the switch will default to whatever is selected in Parameter 2.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-127

    • 0 = Instant Off

    • 5 = Fast (500 milliseconds)

    • 126 = Slow (12.6 seconds)

    • 127 = Sync to Parameter 2

  • Default: 127

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 3 - Ramp Rate (Off → On) - Remote (Ceiling Fan Mode Only)

To change the remote ramp rate for how fast your Blue Series Fan Switch goes from off to on, you would select Parameter 3 within your hub and then input a range of 0-127, with each interval equating to 100 milliseconds and the default being that the switch will default to whatever is selected in Parameter 1.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-127

    • 0 = Instant On

    • 5 = Fast (500 milliseconds)

    • 126 = Slow (12.6 seconds)

    • 127 = Sync to Parameter 1

  • Default: 127

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 4 - Ramp Rate (Off → On) - Local (Ceiling Fan Mode Only)

To change the remote ramp rate for how fast your Blue Series Fan Switch goes from off to on, you would select Parameter 4 within your hub and then input a range of 0-127, with each interval equating to 100 milliseconds and the default being that the switch will default to whatever is selected in Parameter 3.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-127

    • 0 = Instant On

    • 5 = Fast (500 milliseconds)

    • 126 = Slow (12.6 seconds)

    • 127 = Sync to Parameter 3

  • Default: 127

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 7 - Ramp Rate (On → Off) - Remote (Ceiling Fan Mode Only)

To change the remote ramp rate for how fast your Blue Series Fan Switch goes from on to off, you would select Parameter 7 within your hub and then input a range of 0-127, with each interval equating to 100 milliseconds and the default being that the switch will default to whatever is selected in Parameter 3.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-127

    • 0 = Instant Off

    • 5 = Fast (500 milliseconds)

    • 126 = Slow (12.6 seconds)

    • 127 = Sync to Parameter 3

  • Default: 127

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 8 - Ramp Rate (On → Off) - Remote (Ceiling Fan Mode Only)

To change the remote ramp rate for how fast your Blue Series Fan Switch goes from on to off, you would select Parameter 8 within your hub and then input a range of 0-127, with each interval equating to 100 milliseconds and the default being that the switch will default to whatever is selected in Parameter 4.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-127

    • 0 = Instant Off

    • 5 = Fast (500 milliseconds)

    • 126 = Slow (12.6 seconds)

    • 127 = Sync to Parameter 4

  • Default: 127

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Min / Max Fan Speed Level, Invert Switch, & Auto Off Timer Parameters

Minimum Fan Speed Level refers to the minimum speed level the fan switch will go to.

Maximum Fan Speed Level refers to the maximum speed level the fan switch will go to.

Invert Switch refers to inverting the switch (where tapping up on the switch will turn the switch off and tapping down on the switch will turn the switch on)

Auto-Off Timer refers to the switch being turned off after a certain amount of time (in seconds).

Parameter 9 - Minimum Fan Speed Level (Ceiling Fan Mode Only)

To change the minimum fan speed level for how low your Blue Series Fan Switch goes to, you would select Parameter 9 within your hub and then input a range of 1-254, where the lower the numeric value equals the lower the minimum fan speed level (1-84 = Low Speed) and the higher the numeric value equals the higher the minimum fan speed level (170-254 = High Speed) with the default being that the switch will be at 1 (Low Speed).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 1-254

    • 1-84 = Low Speed

    • 85-170 = Medium Speed

    • 171-254 = High Speed

  • Default: 1

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 10 - Maximum Fan Speed Level (Ceiling Fan Mode Only)

To change the maximum fan speed level for how low your Blue Series Fan Switch goes to, you would select Parameter 10 within your hub and then input a range of 2-255, where the lower the numeric value equals the lower the maximum fan speed level (2-84 = Low Speed) and the higher the numeric value equals the higher the maximum fan speed level (171-255 = High Speed) with the default being that the switch will be at 255 (High Speed).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 2-255

    • 2-84 = Low Speed

    • 85-170 = Medium Speed

    • 171-255 = High Speed

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 11 - Invert Switch

To invert your Blue Series Fan Switch (ie: tapping on the up button turns your fan off and tapping on the down button turns your fan on), you would select Parameter 11 within your hub and then select either 0 to keep it non-inverted or 1 to invert it with the default being that the switch is not inverted (value of 0).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Disabled

    • 1 = Enabled

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 12 - Auto-Off Timer

To set an auto-off timer where you can have your Blue Series Fan Switch turn off after a certain amount of seconds, you would select Parameter 12 within your hub and then input a range of 0-32767, where each interval is a second.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-32767

    • 0 = Disabled

    • 1 = 1 second

    • 32767 = 32767 seconds

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 2

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Default Levels, Level After Power Restored & LED Indicator Timeout Parameters

Default Fan Speed Level - Local refers to the default fan speed level the switch goes to when turned on at the switch (ie: if you set the default level to medium, that's the speed the switch turns on to when you turn it on).

Default Fan Speed Level - Remote refers to the default fan speed level the switch goes to when turned on remotely via the app (ie: if you set the default level to medium, that's the speed the switch turns on to when you turn it on).

Fan Speed Level After Power Restored refers to the fan speed level the switch will return to when power is restored to it (ie: after a power outage).

LED Indicator Timeout changes the amount of time (in seconds) the RGB Bar shows the Fan Speed Level (ie: if you are actively changing the speed of the fan, the LED Bar will show you what fan speed level the fan is at -- the timeout is the time that indicator shows once you let go of the paddle)

Parameter 13 - Default Fan Speed Level - Local

To set the default fan speed level your Blue Series Fan Switch turns on to when you manually press the switch, you would select Parameter 13 within your hub and then input a range of 0-255, where zero (0) equals off, 255 equals the last level the switch was set at, the lower the numeric value equals a lower fan speed level (1-84 = Low Speed) and the higher the numeric value equals a higher fan speed level (171-254 = High Speed) with the default being that the switch will return to the prior state it was in.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = Off

    • 1-84 = Low Speed

    • 85-170 = Medium Speed

    • 171-254 = High Speed

    • 255 = Returns to state prior to being turned off

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 14 - Default Fan Speed Level - Remote

To set the default fan speed level your Blue Series Fan Switch turns on to when you turn on your switch remotely (via an app), you would select Parameter 14 within your hub and then input a range of 0-255, where zero (0) equals off, 255 equals the last fan speed level the switch was set at, the lower the numeric value equals a lower fan speed level (1-84 = Low Speed) and the higher the numeric value equals a higher fan speed level (171-254 = High Speed) with the default being that the switch will return to the prior state it was in.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = Off

    • 1-84 = Low Speed

    • 85-170 = Medium Speed

    • 171-254 = High Speed

    • 255 = Returns to state prior to being turned off

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 15 - Fan Speed Level After Power Restored

To set the behavior that your Blue Series Fan Switch enacts after a power outage, you would select Parameter 15 within your hub and then input a range of 0-255, where zero (0) equals off, 255 equals the last fan speed level the switch was set at, the lower the numeric value equals a lower fan speed level (1-84 = Low Speed) and the higher the numeric value equals a higher fan speed level (171-254 = High Speed) with the default being that the switch will return to the prior state it was in.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = Off

    • 1-84 = Low Speed

    • 85-170 = Medium Speed

    • 171-254 = High Speed

    • 255 = Returns to state prior to being turned off

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 17 - LED Indicator Timeout

To adjust the time that the LED Bar displays the value of what your Blue Series Fan Switch is at (ie: low, medium, high), you would select Parameter 17 within your hub and then input a range of 0-11, where zero (0) equals always off, each interval equals one second and 11 equals always on.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-11

    • 0 = LED Bar is always off

    • 1 = 1 second

    • 10 = 10 seconds

    • 11 = LED Bar is always on

  • Default: 11

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

LED Indicator Parameters (Color, Intensity)

Please use the chart below to understand what parameters align with what LED on the switch. For a visual example, please visit the Inovelli Toolbox which will show you what the various animations look like (be sure to select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)").

Parameter 60 - Default LED #1 Strip Color (When On)

To adjust the color of the bottom LED (LED #1) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 60 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #1 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 95 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 95

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 61 - Default LED #1 Strip Color (When Off)

To adjust the color of the bottom LED (LED #1) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 61 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #1 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 96 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 96

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 62 - Default LED #1 Strip Intensity (When On)

To adjust the bottom LED's brightness (LED #1) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 62 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #1 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 97 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 63 - Default LED #1 Strip Intensity (When Off)

To adjust the bottom LED's brightness (LED #1) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 63 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #1 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 98 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 65 - Default LED #2 Strip Color (When On)

To adjust the color of the second from the bottom LED (LED #2) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 65 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #2 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 95 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 95

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 66 - Default LED #2 Strip Color (When Off)

To adjust the color of the second from the bottom LED (LED #2) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 66 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #2 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 96 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 96

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 67 - Default LED #2 Strip Intensity (When On)

To adjust the second from the bottom LED's brightness (LED #2) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 67 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #2 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 97 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 68 - Default LED #2 Strip Intensity (When Off)

To adjust the second from the bottom LED's brightness (LED #2) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 68 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #2 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 98 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 70 - Default LED #3 Strip Color (When On)

To adjust the color of the third from the bottom LED (LED #3) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 70 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #3 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 95 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 95

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 71 - Default LED #3 Strip Color (When Off)

To adjust the color of the third from the bottom LED (LED #3) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 71 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #3 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 96 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 96

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 72 - Default LED #3 Strip Intensity (When On)

To adjust the third from the bottom LED's brightness (LED #3) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 72 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #3 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 97 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 73 - Default LED #3 Strip Intensity (When Off)

To adjust the third from the bottom LED's brightness (LED #3) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 73 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #3 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 98 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 75 - Default LED #4 Strip Color (When On)

To adjust the color of the middle LED (LED #4) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 75 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #4 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 95 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 95

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 76 - Default LED #4 Strip Color (When Off)

To adjust the color of the middle LED (LED #4) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 76 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #4 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 96 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 96

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 77 - Default LED #4 Strip Intensity (When On)

To adjust the middle LED's brightness (LED #4) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 77 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #4 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 97 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 78 - Default LED #4 Strip Intensity (When Off)

To adjust the middle LED's brightness (LED #4) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 78 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #4 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 98 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 80 - Default LED #5 Strip Color (When On)

To adjust the color of the third from the top LED (LED #5) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 80 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #5 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 95 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 95

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 81 - Default LED #5 Strip Color (When Off)

To adjust the color of the third from the top LED (LED #5) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 81 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #5 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 96 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 96

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 82 - Default LED #5 Strip Intensity (When On)

To adjust the the third from the top LED's brightness (LED #5) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 82 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #5 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 97 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 83 - Default LED #5 Strip Intensity (When Off)

To adjust the the third from the top LED's brightness (LED #5) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 83 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #5 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 98 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 85 - Default LED #6 Strip Color (When On)

To adjust the color of the second from the top LED (LED #6) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 85 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #6 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 95 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 95

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 86 - Default LED #6 Strip Color (When Off)

To adjust the color of the second from the top LED (LED #6) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 86 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #6 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 96 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 96

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 87 - Default LED #6 Strip Intensity (When On)

To adjust the second from the top LED's brightness (LED #6) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 87 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #6 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 97 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 88 - Default LED #6 Strip Intensity (When Off)

To adjust the second from the top LED's brightness (LED #6) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 88 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #6 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 98 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 90 - Default LED #7 Strip Color (When On)

To adjust the color of the top LED (LED #7) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 90 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #7 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 95 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 95

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 91 - Default LED #7 Strip Color (When Off)

To adjust the color of the top LED (LED #7) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 91 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is for LED #7 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 96 (Default of All LED Strip Color - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

    • 0 = White

    • 1-254 = Values of a color wheel (use Inovelli Toolbox)

    • 255 = Sync to Parameter 96

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 92 - Default LED #7 Strip Intensity (When On)

To adjust the top LED's brightness (LED #7) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 92 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #7 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 97 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When On).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 93 - Default LED #7 Strip Intensity (When Off)

To adjust the top LED's brightness (LED #7) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 93 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #7 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 98 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-101

    • 0 = LED #1 Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

    • 101 = Sync to Parameter 97

  • Default: 101

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 95 - Default of All LED's (#'s 1-7) Strip Color (When On)

To adjust the color of the LED Bar (LED's 1-7) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 95 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is 170 which is Blue.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

  • Default: 170

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 96 - Default of All LED's (#'s 1-7) Strip Color (When Off)

To adjust the color of the LED Bar (LED's 1-7) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 96 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The easiest way to determine a color's value is to go to the Inovelli Toolbox, select, "Fan Switch (VZM35-SN)" and then select, "LED" and use the slider to select a color (ie: 170 is blue). The default is 170 which is Blue.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

  • Default: 170

  • Size (Bytes): 3

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 97 - Default of All LED's (#'s 1-7) Strip Intensity (When On)

To adjust the LED Bar's brightness (LED's 1-7) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is on, find parameter 97 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default value is 33 (33%).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-100

    • 0 = LED Bar (#1-7) Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

  • Default: 33

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 98 - Default of All LED's (#'s 1-7) Strip Intensity (When Off)

To adjust the LED Bar's brightness (LED's 1-7) on the Blue Series Fan switch when the fan (load) is off, find parameter 98 in your hub's UI and change accordingly. The lower the number, the lower the intensity (ie: 0 = Off, 10 = 10%, 100 = 100%, etc). The default is for LED #4 to sync to whatever is set in Parameter 98 (Default of All LED Strip Intensity - When Off).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-100

    • 0 = LED Bar (#1-7) Off

    • 10 = 10% (Low Intensity)

    • 50 = 50% (Medium Intensity)

    • 100 = 100% (High Intensity)

  • Default: 1

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Other Parameters

Quick Start Time refers to the time it takes for the fan to turn on. By default, there's a slight delay. In some instances, the fan's motor requires a quick jolt of power to get it going or requires more of a delay. If your fan requires this, then turn this parameter on and set it accordingly.

Internal Temperature Monitor (READ ONLY) is a feature where the MG24 chip monitors the internal temperature of the switch and will work in tandem with Parameter 33 (Overheat Protection) to shut down the switch if it becomes too hot.

Overheat Protection (READ ONLY) is a feature that works in tandem with Parameter 32 to shut down the switch if it becomes too hot.

Switch Delay refers to the delay between when you press the switch and the fan turns on. By default, there is a 500ms delay to account for multi-taps (scene control). In other words, the switch does not turn on right away because it's waiting for a potential multi-tap. You can turn this delay off, but you will lose multi-tap control on the paddle (you will still have it on the config/favorites button).

Device Bind Number (READ ONLY) refers to the ability to understand how many devices are bound to your switch.

Double-Tap Up to High Speed refers to enabling double-tapping up on the paddle and having the switch turn the fan speed up to high instantly.

Double-Tap Down to Low Speed refers to enabling double-tapping down on the paddle and having the switch turn the fan speed down to low instantly.

Double-Tap Up to Speed Level allows you to set the specific fan speed level for when you double-tap on the up paddle.

Double-Tap Down to Speed Level allows you to set the specific fan speed level for when you double-tap on the down paddle.

Single Tap Behavior allows you to change the way single-taps behave when you are cycling between fan speeds. By default, the switch uses holds to change speeds (ie: if you start on Low, and hold up on the paddle, the switch will turn to Medium and then High and vice versa for if you start on High). However, you can change this behavior to have taps change speeds (ie: if you start on Low, and tap up once, the switch will turn to Medium and you tap up again, the switch will go to high and vice versa for if you start on High).

Fan Timer Display allows you to set a timer on your fan switch with an LED Bar that counts down the time. This is primarily used for exhaust fans in the bathroom. When the fan timer is enabled, then a tap up 1x on the paddle turns the fan on, a tap up 2x sets a 5 minute timer, a tap up 3x sets a 10 minute timer, a tap up 4x sets a 15 minute timer, a tap up 5x sets a 30 minute timer and a tap down 1x turns the fan off and the timer is cancelled). The LED Bar will show how much time is left if this setting is enabled and running.

Aux Switch Unique Scenes allows you to have different scenes at the aux switch then you do at the smart switch. In other words, you can create a double-tap scene on the aux switch that is different than the double-tap scene on the smart switch.

Binding Default Level allows you to match the default level parameter (Parameter 13 & 14) when using Zigbee Bindings.

Breeze Mode is a feature that allows you to create your own, "Breeze Mode" which cycles between Low, Medium, High to simulate a breeze. This can also be used to create a, "Wind Down Mode" where the fan, "winds" down from High to Low by using a certain timeframe.

Enable Fan Module Binding Control allows you to use the config / favorites button as a binding endpoint. By default the fan switch paddle allows for binding, but this feature allows you to also use the config / favorites button, so you will have two different binding options (most people use this with the fan/light canopy module so they can have the paddle bound to the lights of the fan, and the config / favorites button bound to the fan portion or vice versa).

Config / Favorites Button - Set Low Level allows you to set the low level of your bindings if you use the config / favorites button as a bound button. This works in tandem with Parameter 130.

Config / Favorites Button - Set Medium Level allows you to set the medium level of your bindings if you use the config / favorites button as a bound button. This works in tandem with Parameter 130.

Config / Favorites Button - Set High Level allows you to set the high level of your bindings if you use the config / favorites button as a bound button. This works in tandem with Parameter 130.

LED Color for Ceiling Fan Mode allows you to set the color of your LED Bar when using the config / favorites button as a bound button. This helps distinguish between the two bindings. In other words, you will have your default LED color for binding #1 and this color is used for binding #2. This works in tandem with Parameter 130.

Local Protection refers to whether or not the load of the switch can be controlled via paddle presses (locally). You can set it so the switch is locked from turning on and off from the paddle.

Remote Protection refers to whether or not the load of the switch can be controlled remotely. You can set it so the switch is locked from turning on and off from your hub's app.

One LED Mode will set your switch to mimic our Gen 2 On/Off switch where only the bottom LED (#1) will operate.

Firmware Progress LED refers to the animation that runs during a firmware update. You can choose to keep this animation on or turn it off.

Clear Notifications by Double-Tapping the Config/Favorites Button allows you to turn on or off the ability to double-tap the config/favorites button to clear active notifications.

Fan LED Bar Level Type allows you to change the way the LED Bar scaling works. By default the fan switch shows three levels (ie: Low, Medium, High). However, you can change this to have the LED Bar show up to 9 different speeds or you can change it to have the LED Bar show a full range to mimic a dimmer switch (ie: 1-99%).

Parameter 23 - Quick Start Time

To adjust the time between when you press the paddle and the fan receives full power, find Parameter 23 and adjust accordingly. This is different than Parameter 50 in that Parameter 50 is the delay between when the paddle is pressed and power starts to go to the fan. In other words, if you have the fan set to low, the switch output will not be 100%. Some fans require full output to get the motor started. The default is 4, which is 4 seconds. We recommend not changing this unless you experience issues with your fan not turning on.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-10

    • 0 = No Delay = Full Power Immediately

    • 4 = 4 seconds

    • 10 = 10 seconds

  • Default: 5

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 32 - Internal Temperature Monitor (READ ONLY)

The fan switch has a built in internal temperature monitor sensor that will monitor the temperature inside your switch. It will work in tandem with Parameter 33 to shut off your switch if it gets too hot. This is a read only parameter that cannot be edited. In addition, this value is not actively reported, but rather you can monitor it via your hub.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-127

  • Default: N/A

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 33 - Overheat Protection (READ ONLY)

Parameter 33 uses the temperature readings from Parameter 32 (Internal Temperature Monitor) to shut off the switch if it exceeds 194°F (90°C). This is a read only parameter that cannot be edited, however, your switch will shut off and a warning light will show on your LED Bar. The switch will not work until the warning is cleared and the temperature drops below the threshold.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Switch is not overheated

    • 1 = Switch is overheated

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 50 - Switch Delay

To adjust the time between when you press the paddle and the fan turns on/off, find Parameter 50 and adjust accordingly. A 0 value allows for, "instant on/off" and will turn the fan on/off as soon as you let go of the paddle. Please note that if you set the switch to, "instant on/off" it will disable multi-tap scene control from the paddle (you will still have multi-tap scene control from the config/favorites button). The default is a 500 millisecond delay.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-9*

    • 0 = No Button Delay (0ms)

    • 3 = 300 milliseconds

    • 9 = 900 milliseconds

    • *Values 1 & 2 are not available and will default to 3

  • Default: 5

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 51 - Device Bind Number (READ ONLY)

The purpose of Parameter 51 (Device Bind Number) is to simply understand how many devices are bound to your switch. It's a read only parameter.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 53 - 2x Up to High Speed

If you'd like your Blue Series Fan switch to easily turn onto high speed via a double-tap on the up (top) paddle, turn on Parameter 53 (if you'd like to set a specific speed other than high, then also turn on Parameter 55 and set the speed level). The default is 0, which has this feature turned off.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Disabled

    • 1 = Enabled

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 54 - 2x Down to Low Speed

If you'd like your Blue Series Fan switch to easily turn down to low speed via a double-tap on the down (bottom) paddle, turn on Parameter 54 (if you'd like to set a specific speed other than low, then also turn on Parameter 56 and set the speed level). The default is 0, which has this feature turned off.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Disabled

    • 1 = Enabled

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 55 - 2x Up to Level

If you'd like your Blue Series Fan switch to easily turn onto a certain speed level via a double-tap on the up (top) paddle, turn on Parameter 55 (also remember to turn on Parameter 53 - 2x Up to High Level). The lower the numeric value equals a lower fan speed level (1 = ~1%) and the higher the numeric value equals a higher fan speed level (254 = ~100%) with the default being 254 (100%).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 2-254

    • 2-84 = Low Speed

    • 85-170 = Medium Speed

    • 171-254 = High Speed

  • Default: 254

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 56 - 2x Down to Min

If you'd like your Blue Series Fan switch to easily turn down to a certain fan speed via a double-tap on the down (bottom) paddle, turn on Parameter 56 (also remember to turn on Parameter 54 - 2x Up to Min). The lower the numeric value equals a lower fan speed level (1 = ~1%) and the higher the numeric value equals a higher fan speed level (254 = ~100%) with the default being 2 (~1%).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-254

    • 0 = Turn off Switch

    • 1-84 = Low Speed

    • 85-170 = Medium Speed

    • 171-254 = High Speed

    • 255 = Sync with Parameter 95

  • Default: 2

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 120 - Single Tap Behavior

If you want to change the behavior of how your Blue Series Fan Switch cycles between the fan speeds, then search for Parameter 120 and change it accordingly. By default, the Blue Series Fan Switch uses holds to cycle between the fan speeds (ie: if you start on Low, and hold up on the paddle, the switch will turn to Medium, then High and vice versa for when you start on High) which is a value of 0. However, you can change this behavior to have it so that each tap (up or down) of the paddle cycles between the fan speeds (ie: if you start on Low and you tap up once, it goes to Medium, tap up again, it goes to High and vice versa for when you start on High) which is a value of 1.

In addition, if you have Firmware 1.06 installed, you can set it to a value of 2 so that each up press cycles up through the speeds, if it’s on high, it cycles back to low; and a down press turns it off. If it’s off an up press returns to last state.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

Firmware 1.05

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Hold the paddle to cycle speeds

    • 1 = Tap the paddle to cycle speeds

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.05

Firmware 1.06+

  • Range: 0-2

    • 0 = Hold the paddle to cycle speeds

    • 1 = Tap the paddle to cycle speeds

      • Tap Up 1x = Low, Med, High

      • Tap Down 1x = High, Med, Low

    • 2 = Cycle through speeds

      • Tap Up 1x (when on) = Low, Med, High, Low, Med, High

      • Tap Up 1x (when off) = Last State

      • Tap Down 1x = Off

  • Default: 1

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.06+

Parameter 121 - Fan Timer Display

If you want to set a fan timer on your Blue Series Fan Switch, then search for Parameter 121 and set it to a value of 1. When the fan timer is enabled, then a tap up 1x on the paddle turns the fan on, a tap up 2x sets a 5 minute timer, a tap up 3x sets a 10 minute timer, a tap up 4x sets a 15 minute timer, a tap up 5x sets a 30 minute timer and a tap down 1x turns the fan off and the timer is cancelled). The LED Bar will show how much time is left if this setting is enabled and running. By default this feature is set to a value of 0, which is off.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Fan timer is off

    • 1 = Fan timer is on

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.05+

Parameter 123 - Aux Switch Unique Scenes

If you have your Blue Series Fan switch setup in a multi-way setting with an Auxiliary Switch, you can choose to have your Aux switch have different scenes than your Blue Series Fan. In other words, if you have a scene where you double-tap your Blue Series Fan switch to activate a bedtime scene, you can double-tap your Aux switch with a different scene (ie: Movie Scene). The default is 0, which disables this feature and has the Aux switch mimic the Blue Series Fan switch (ie: double tap scene on the aux = double tap scene on the Blue Fan).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Disabled (ie: Blue Series Switch Multi-Tap Scenes = Aux Switch Multi-Tap Scenes)

    • 1 = Enabled (ie: Blue Series Switch Multi-Tap Scenes ≠ Aux Switch Multi-Tap Scenes)

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 125 - Binding Default Level

If your Blue Series Fan Switch is bound to a Zigbee smart fan and you'd like to set a default speed level when turned on, change Parameter 125 to 1 (and also set the default level parameters - 13 & 14). By default this parameter is set to 0, which disables this feature.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Disabled

    • 1 = Enabled

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 129 - Breeze Mode

If you'd like to turn on, "Breeze Mode" on your Blue Series Fan Switch, then search for Parameter 129 and set the value to 1. "Breeze Mode" is a feature that allows you to set the time intervals of Low, Medium, and High to simulate a breeze. In addition, you can create a, "Wind Down Mode" which winds down the fan from High to Low in a defined time-frame. By default this feature is set to a value of 0, which is off.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-4294967295

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 4

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.05+

Parameter 130 - Enable Fan Module Binding Control

If you'd like to have multiple binding options on your Blue Series Fan Switch, then search for Parameter 130 and set a value of 1. This allows you to have bindings from both your paddle and your config/favorites button. Having two options for bindings is primarily used for controlling the Blue Series Fan/Light Canopy Module's fan and light endpoints. For example, you can have your Blue Series Fan Switch's paddle control the light portion of the Blue Series Fan/Light Canopy Module and the Blue Series Fan Switch's config/favorite button control the fan portion of the Blue Series Fan/Light Canopy Module. By default, Parameter 130 is set to 0, which disables this feature.

For an example on how this works with the Blue Series Fan/Light Canopy Module, please see this YouTube video:

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-2

    • 0 = Fan Module Binding Control Disabled

    • 1 = Fan Module Binding Control Enabled

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.05+

Parameter 131 - Config / Favorites Button - Set Low Level

If you'd like to configure a, "low" level for your config/favorites button on the Blue Series Fan Switch, then search for Parameter 131 and set the appropriate value. This can be used to have the config/favorites button on your Blue Series Fan Switch turn your fan to low with a single click, or it can also be used for lights, where you can send a certain numerical value to a light (ie: tap on the config/favorites button and it will turn your lights on to a dim level of 30%). By default this is set to 63.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 2-254

    • 2 = 1%

    • 63 = 32%

    • 254 = 100%

  • Default: 63

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.05+

Parameter 132 - Config / Favorites Button - Set Medium Level

If you'd like to configure a, "medium" level for your config/favorites button on the Blue Series Fan Switch, then search for Parameter 132 and set the appropriate value. This can be used to have the config/favorites button on your Blue Series Fan Switch turn your fan to medium with a single click, or it can also be used for lights, where you can send a certain numerical value to a light (ie: tap on the config/favorites button and it will turn your lights on to a dim level of 30%). By default this is set to 128.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 2-254

    • 2 = 1%

    • 128 = 65%

    • 254 = 100%

  • Default: 128

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.05+

Parameter 133 - Config / Favorites Button - Set High Level

If you'd like to configure a, "high" level for your config/favorites button on the Blue Series Fan Switch, then search for Parameter 133 and set the appropriate value. This can be used to have the config/favorites button on your Blue Series Fan Switch turn your fan to high with a single click, or it can also be used for lights, where you can send a certain numerical value to a light (ie: tap on the config/favorites button and it will turn your lights on to a dim level of 30%). By default this is set to 254.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 2-254

    • 2 = 1%

    • 254 = 100%

  • Default: 254

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.05+

Parameter 134 - LED Color for Ceiling Fan Mode

If you'd like to change the color of the LED Bar on your Blue Series Fan Switch while Parameter 130 (Fan Module Binding Control) is enabled, then search for Parameter 134 and set it to the color you'd prefer. When Parameter 130 is enabled, a secondary color is enabled on the LED Bar which helps you differentiate between the two bound devices. In other words, if you have the paddle bound to one device and the config/favorites button bound to another device, the LED Bar for the first device will use the color value of Parameters 95/96 and the LED Bar for the second device will use the color of this Parameter (134). How it works is that if you're controlling the second bound device, the secondary color will turn on briefly until you're done controlling the second device and will revert back to the original color (Parameters 95/96). By default Parameter 134 is set to 255 (White).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-255

  • Default: 255

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.05+

Parameter 256 - Local Protection

To disable button presses at the Blue Series Fan switch (ie: local at the switch), turn Parameter 256 to 1. By default this parameter is set to 0, which disables this feature. Please note that this is different than Smart Fan Mode (Parameter 52), which still allows commands to be sent when the switch is pressed locally.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Disabled

    • 1 = Enabled

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 257 - Remote Protection

To disable button presses of the Blue Series Fan switch remotely (ie: via an app/web UX), turn Parameter 257 to 1. By default this parameter is set to 0, which disables this feature. Please note that this is different than Smart Fan Mode (Parameter 52), which still allows commands to be sent when the switch is pressed locally.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Disabled

    • 1 = Enabled

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 259 - One LED Mode

If you'd like to only have one LED lit up to match the Gen 2 On/Off light switch, then find Parameter 259 on the Blue Series Fan Switch and set it to 1. By default the value for Parameter 259 is set to 1, which lights up all 7 LED's.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Disabled (All LED's are lit up)

    • 1 = Enabled (One LED is lit up)

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 260 - Firmware Progress LED

During each firmware update, the Blue Series Fan Switch has an animation where the LED Bar will light up to the level the firmware update is at (ie: if the LED Bar is halfway up the switch, the firmware update is 50% completed). If you'd like to disable the Firmware Update LED Animation, please change Parameter 260 to 0. By default this feature is set to 1, which enables the animation.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Disabled

    • 1 = Enabled

  • Default: 1

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 262 - Clear Notification via 2x Tap of Config/Favorites Button

If you'd like to turn off the feature to double-tap the config/favorites button to clear active notifications on your Blue Series Fan Switch, change Parameter 262 to 1. By default this feature is set to 0, which enables this feature.

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-1

    • 0 = Enabled (2x Tap of the Config/Favorites Button Clears Notifications)

    • 1 = Disabled (2x Tap of the Config/Favorites Button Does Not Clear Notifications)

  • Default: 0

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

Parameter 263 - Fan LED Bar Level Type

To change the way the LED Bar operates on the Blue Series Fan Switch, search for Parameter 263 and change it accordingly. By default, Parameter 263 is set to 10, which has three speeds shown (in a neutral setup) and two speeds shown (when in a non-neutral setup) when the switch is in Ceiling Fan Mode (Parameter 258 is set to 0). However, you can change the behavior of the LED Bar to match a dimmer switch (where there's a range of 1-100%) or you can set various grades to match your smart fan (ie: if your smart fan has 6 speeds, you can set the LED Bar to have 6 speeds).

Range, Default, Size & Firmware Version Implemented

  • Range: 0-10

    • 0 = Matches Dimmer Switches (full range of LED Bar)

    • 1 = 1 Speed

    • 2 = 2 Speeds

    • 9 = 9 Speeds

    • 10 = 3 Speeds for Neutral, 2 Speeds for Non-Neutral

  • Default: 10

  • Size (Bytes): 1

  • Firmware Version Implemented: 1.04+

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