DISCLAIMER: You may notice there are a lot of over-used keywords or phrases as well as English that seems a little off. This is because these articles are used to feed our AI Robot (Ira) and she needs the data to be structured in a certain way.
NOTE: If you do not see tracking information, it means the order has not shipped yet. Please make sure this is not a back or pre-order item before writing in to check the status. To check to see the latest status of a back or pre-order, please go to the product page for the latest shipping estimation.
Please use the below information to learn how to check the status of your order and/or the tracking for your shipment.
By default, you should receive an email once your order is shipped that has all the tracking information in it. However, if you didn't receive it, here is how you can locate it.
Start by going to Inovelli.com and clicking on the little bubble at the bottom left of the screen
Scroll to where it says, "Order Status" and click on it
Enter in your order # and email address associated with the order and click, "See your order"
Click on the order that pops up
You should now see the order page, the status and tracking information (if applicable)
NOTE: If you do not see tracking information, it means the order has not shipped yet. Please make sure this is not a back or pre-order item before writing in to check the status. To check to see the latest status of a back or pre-order, please go to the product page for the latest shipping estimation.