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White Series Dimmer (2-1) Switch • Setup Instructions • Amazon Echo
White Series Dimmer (2-1) Switch • Setup Instructions • Amazon Echo

Setup and Pairing instructions for the Inovelli White Series Dimmer (formerly the 2-1) Switch (VTM31-SN) on your Thread enabled Amazon Echo

Eric Hines avatar
Written by Eric Hines
Updated over 6 months ago

DISCLAIMER: You may notice there are a lot of overused keywords or phrases as well as English that seems a little off. This is because these articles are used to feed our AI Robot (Ira) and she needs the data to be structured in a certain way.

REMINDER: This switch is only to be used to control lights (except ballasts or any lights connected to a transformer). Do not use the switches on outlets, fans, or any other inductive load.

NOTICE: If you're having trouble pairing, please ensure the following:

  • Matter Devices and Controllers Must Be on the Same L2 Network

  • VLAN Use Requires Matter Controller/Server to operate on that VLAN

  • Make sure your Amazon Alexa app and your Echo Border Router firmware is up-to-date

  • IPv6 Networking is Required for Matter Networks. Link-Local Addresses Are Allowed, Look for a Setting in your Router Called “Enable IPv6.” (Note: This does not require you to configure the IPv6 connection for your entire network)

This is the digital setup instructions for the White Series Smart Dimmer Switch on the Amazon Echo platform.

Navigating the Instructions

Please click on any of the sections in the Table of Contents to get started. We recommend working your way down as it follows an intentional flow that is user friendly and hub/gateway specific. As always, any questions, please see the Additional Resources links section or submit a ticket, we’re happy to help.

Quick Setup Instructions

Follow these if you have already installed the Dimmer switch before and are just looking for some quick pairing instructions. If this is your first time installing the Dimmer switch, please skip this section and work your way through the various sections below starting with the Prerequisites.

This section assumes the following:

  1. You’ve wired the switch and it works manually

Let’s begin:

  1. Open up your Amazon Alexa App and click "+" at the top right

  2. On the, "Add" popup menu, click on, "Device"

  3. Then click on, "Switch" under, "Which device would you like to set up?"

  4. Next, on the, "What brand is your switch?" scroll down to the bottom and select, "Other" (Do not select, "Inovelli")

  5. Click on, "Matter" on the, "Which logo is on your device"

  6. Next, on the, "Does your device have a Matter logo", click on, "Yes"

  7. On the, "Is your device powered on?" screen click, "Yes" (assuming your switch is wired and powered on)

  8. Click on, "Scan QR Code" and scan the QR Code located at the bottom left of the switch

  9. Amazon will then start searching for your Inovelli device and your LED Bar will start to pulse blue as shown in Video #1 (if it’s not, please exit out of the setup process and factory reset your switch (see Video #2) and start again)

  10. Your Echo should continue to search for, find and let you know that a switch was found and connected

  11. Feel free to add your device to a group

NOTICE: If you're having trouble pairing, please ensure the following:

  • Matter Devices and Controllers Must Be on the Same L2 Network

  • VLAN Use Requires Matter Controller/Server to operate on that VLAN

  • Make sure your Amazon Alexa app and your Echo Border Router firmware is up-to-date

  • IPv6 Networking is Required for Matter Networks. Link-Local Addresses Are Allowed, Look for a Setting in your Router Called “Enable IPv6.” (Note: This does not require you to configure the IPv6 connection for your entire network)

Video #1 & Video #2

Video #1: Switch Pulsing Blue after QR Code is scanned

Video #2: Factory resetting your switch

If your LED bar refuses to pulse blue, hold down on the top of the paddle (on) and the config/favorites button simultaneously for 20 seconds until the LED Bar (D) turns green, yellow, then red. It will blink cyan, green(non-neutral) or yellow (neutral), and then blue confirms the switch has been reset as shown in the video below.

IMPORTANT: The Amazon Alexa app has no way of changing the switch from an On/Off Switch to a Dimmer Switch so you will have to do it manually at the switch by following the instructions here: Switch Configuration

Amazon Echo Limitations

Amazon Echo is a fantastic hub that offers a ton of features along with voice control and is backed by an amazing company.

With that said, there are some limitations with the hub that you should be made aware of.

  1. There is no way to access the advanced features on your switch from the Alexa app (ie: parameters, animated notifications, scene control, etc) and you will only be able to change select parameters locally at the switch

  2. You will have to manually change the switch from an On/Off Switch to a Dimmer Switch and vice versa

  3. You will still be able to control the LED Bar when the switch is in On/Off mode (other platforms, the LED Bar only shows on/off like it should)

  4. Three devices will show up for each switch where one of the three devices is not used and cannot be hidden


There are a couple of prerequisites required for pairing your Matter switch to your Amazon Echo and they are as follows (NOTE: Most of these are enabled by default on your router, so you likely won't have to do anything):

  • Make sure your Amazon Alexa app and your Echo Border Router firmware is up-to-date

  • Matter Devices and Controllers Must Be on the Same L2 Network

  • VLAN Use Requires Matter Controller/Server to operate on that VLAN

  • IPv6 Networking is Required for Matter Networks. Link-Local Addresses Are Allowed, Look for a Setting in your Router Called “Enable IPv6.” (Note: This does not require you to configure the IPv6 connection for your entire network)

Installation Instructions

Before setting up your switch within the Alexa app, you will have to manually install your switch in the wall and have it powered up. In order to do that, you (or your licensed electrician) will need to follow our Wiring Instructions which can be found below:

Pairing Instructions

Please follow the instructions below to include/pair your White Series Dimmer Switch

  1. Open your Amazon Alexa App and click on the, "+" at the top

  2. On the, "Add" popup menu, click on, "Device"

  3. Click on, "Switch" on the, "Which device would you like to set up?" page

  4. On the, "What brand is your switch?", scroll down and click on, "Other" (do not click on, "Inovelli" - it will just take you to SmartThings for some reason)

  5. On the, "Which logo is on your device?" page, click on, "Matter"

  6. On the page that says, "Does your device have a Matter logo?", click on, "Yes"

  7. On the page that says, "Is your device powered on?", click on, "Yes" (make sure your device is powered on - this does not mean the actual light bulb needs to be on, just that the switch is powered)

  8. On the page that says, "Locate your QR code shown for your device", click on, "Scan QR Code" at the bottom and scan your devices QR Code (located at the bottom left of your switch)

  9. After you've scanned the QR Code, the switch LED Bar should start pulsing blue as shown in Video #1. If it isn't, then please factory reset your switch as shown in Video #2. If the switch successfully pairs to Alexa, the switch LED Bar will flash green three (3) times.

    Video #1: Switch Already Pulsing Blue

    Video #2: Factory resetting your switch
    Hold down on the top of the paddle and the config/favorites button for 20 seconds until the LED Bar turns red and let go (video below is sped up)

  10. Alexa will search for your device

  11. If successful, your switch LED Bar will flash green three (3) times and Amazon will let you know a device and two components were found and connected -- click, "Next"

    NOTICE: If you're having trouble pairing, please ensure the following:

    • Disable mDNS on Your Network

    • Matter Devices and Controllers Must Be on the Same L2 Network

    • VLAN Use Requires Matter Controller/Server to operate on that VLAN

    • Make sure your Amazon Alexa app and your Echo Border Router firmware is up-to-date

    • IPv6 Networking is Required for Matter Networks. Link-Local Addresses Are Allowed, Look for a Setting in your Router Called “Enable IPv6.” (Note: This does not require you to configure the IPv6 connection for your entire network)

  12. This is where it can get confusing and we hope that as Amazon updates their platform, it because more user friendly. Until then, you will have three devices shown (one unusable device that has the switch information, one device that is the actual switch and one device that allows you to control the LED Bar color which is used for notifications).

    For the sake of keeping these instructions brief, we'll just walk through setting up your main switch because the setup for each device is the same.

  13. Click on the middle device (one of the devices with, "Light" at the end) and then select, "Set Up Device"

  14. Feel free to rename the device and then click, "Update Name"

  15. Select the Group you want to put the device in and then click, "Add To Group"

    NOTE: For the other devices (e.g. the unused device and the switch LED Bar), you may want to create separate groups such as, "Unused Devices" for the unused device and, "LED Bar Notification Devices" for the LED Bar devices.

  16. Click, "Continue"

  17. On the, "Devices" page, you will see the three devices that were just added.

    For reference, this is what the Switch device page should look like (it will not have a color wheel):

    This is what the Switch LED Bar page should look like (NOTE: Do not use this if you are trying to permanently change the LED Bar to a different color - that has to be done locally at the switch - this device is for Color Notifications only):

Once your switch is successfully paired, check to make sure you have basic functionality of your switch by turning it on/off (if you are going to be using it as a dimmer, please move to the, "Switch Configuration" section below).

NOTE: By default the switch is setup as a simulated On/Off switch so it will only turn On/Off (this means you will not be able to dim). This is for safety reasons. If you'd like to change your switch to be a Dimmer, then please move to the Switch Configuration section below.

Switch Configuration

In this section, we will help you change your switch mode (ie: On/Off or Dimmer) and type (Single-Pole or 3-Way Aux). As noted above, because the Amazon Alexa app is limited in what it can do, we will have to change these settings manually at the switch itself.

If you are trying to setup your switch in Smart Bulb Mode, please still select the Switch Mode and Type from the below instructions, and then follow the directions to setup Smart Bulb Mode

Switch Mode - On/Off

By default, your White Series Dimmer Switch is set to be a simulated On/Off switch and will only turn On/Off (ie: there is no dimming). If this is how you intend to use the switch, you can skip this step. We're just going to show you how to change it to a Dimmer for reference.

To put your White Series Dimmer Switch in simulated On/Off Mode, hold down on the top part of the paddle (on) while simultaneously tapping the configuration button three (3) times (do not let go of the paddle when finished tapping the config button). Wait for the LED Bar to flash solid red (and then let go of the paddle) indicating the switch has changed to an On/Off switch.

Video Demonstration

Switch Mode - Dimmer

By default, your White Series Dimmer Switch is set to be a simulated On/Off switch and will only turn On/Off (ie: there is no dimming). If you'd like to change your switch to a Dimmer switch, then please follow the directions below.

To put your White Series Dimmer Switch in Dimmer Mode, hold down on the bottom part of the paddle (off) while simultaneously tapping the configuration button three (3) times (do not let go of the paddle when finished tapping the config button). Wait for the LED Bar to flash solid orange (and then let go of the paddle) indicating the switch has changed to a Dimmer switch.

Video Demonstration

Switch Type - Single-Pole

By default, your White Series Dimmer Switch is set to be installed in a Single-Pole setup (ie: one switch controls one load). If this is how you intend to use the switch, you can skip this step. We're just going to show you how to change it to a multi-way (2+ switches controlling a load) with an aux switch for reference.

To have your White Series Dimmer Switch work as a Single-Pole switch, hold down on the bottom part of the paddle (off) while simultaneously tapping the configuration button five (5) times (do not let go of the paddle when finished tapping the config button). Wait for the LED Bar to flash solid violet (and then let go of the paddle) indicating the switch has enabled Single-Pole Mode.

Switch Type - Multi-Way (Dumb)

By default, your White Series Dimmer Switch is set to be installed in a Single-Pole setup (ie: one switch controls one load). If you'd like to change your switch to work in a multi-way setup with a dumb/existing switch, then please follow the directions below.

To have your White Series Dimmer Switch work with your existing, "dumb" switch in a multi-way (3-Way) setting, hold down on the bottom part of the paddle (off) while simultaneously tapping the configuration button five (5) times (do not let go of the paddle when finished tapping the config button). Wait for the LED Bar to flash solid pink (and then let go of the paddle) indicating the switch has enabled 3-Way + Dumb Switch Mode.

Video Demonstration

Switch Type - Multi-Way (Aux)

By default, your White Series Dimmer Switch is set to be installed in a Single-Pole setup (ie: one switch controls one load). If you'd like to change your switch to work in a multi-way setup with an auxiliary switch, then please follow the directions below.

To have your White Series Dimmer Switch work with an Auxiliary (Add-On) switch in a multi-way (3-Way) setting, hold down on the top part of the paddle (on) while simultaneously tapping the configuration button five (5) times (do not let go of the paddle when finished tapping the config button). Wait for the LED Bar to flash solid white (and then let go of the paddle) indicating the switch has enabled 3-Way + Aux Switch Mode.

Video Demonstration

Advanced Feature Setup

This switch is packed with features and most of them come directly from this community. They've been debated back and forth, added to wishlists, and talked about over the course of 4+ years.

While the advanced features are built into the light switch firmware, they unfortunately are not recognized by the Alexa platform at this time. The only advanced feature Alexa supports is, "Smart Bulb Mode" which is discussed more below.

Smart Bulb Mode

Smart Bulb Mode is a special mode that allows you to use your Inovelli smart switch to control smart bulbs. Rather than cutting power to your smart bulbs, Smart Bulb Mode tells the switch to send a digital signal to your bulbs or your hub to turn on/off or dim.

To learn how to control your smart bulb(s) from an Inovelli smart switch using your Amazon Echo, please see this link: Controlling Smart Bulb(s) from a Smart Switch • Amazon Echo

Color Notifications

Color notifications are used when you want to have a visual cue on your LED bar notify you of a certain event. A few examples would be:

  • LED Bar turns purple if your garage door is left open

  • LED Bar turns red if your front door is unlocked

  • LED Bar turns orange if a door is opened at night time

These notifications are accomplished by using, "Routines" within the Amazon Echo App.

For more information about Color Notifications as well as some examples of how to set them up, please visit the following article: Setting Up Color Notifications • Amazon Echo

Local Parameter Changes

The White Series Dimmer switch has 30 different parameters that can be changed locally (i.e., at the switch). These can be changed via Quick Tap Sequences or Local Configuration. Some examples include:

  • Changing the color of the LED Bar

  • Smart Bulb Mode

  • Leading/Trailing Edge Dimming Modes

  • Setting Min/Max Dim Levels

  • State After Power is Restored

Quick Tap Sequences

To see the full list of Quick Tap Sequences and understand more about them, please see the following links:

Local Configuration

To see the full list of Local Configuration options and understand more about them, please see the following links:

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