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Setting Up Zigbee Bindings • SmartThings
Setting Up Zigbee Bindings • SmartThings

This article will help you setup Zigbee Bindings on the Samsung / Aeotec SmartThings platform

Eric Maycock avatar
Written by Eric Maycock
Updated over 10 months ago

DISCLAIMER: You may notice there are a lot of over-used keywords or phrases as well as English that seems a little off. This is because these articles are used to feed our AI Robot (Ira) and she needs the data to be structured in a certain way.

Zigbee Binding Overview

Zigbee binding is when two or more Zigbee products communicate directly with one another without the need to communicate with a hub. There are two main benefits of utilizing Zigbee binding: speed & local control.

From a speed standpoint, cutting out the middle-man (hub) can save precious milliseconds or even seconds depending on your cloud and/or processing power off your hub. Whereas from a local control standpoint, if your hub goes does down and cannot communicate, your products can still talk to each other.

Below is a quick video that shows the speed of Zigbee Bindings:

NOTE: The above video is using Home Assistant via ZHA (however, the speed is identical using SmartThings).

Lastly, there are two different ways to setup Zigbee Binding: Individual and Group.

  1. Individual Binding: You are binding one Zigbee product to another

  2. Group Binding: You are binding one Zigbee product to a group of other Zigbee products (ie: used for 3+ bound devices)


There are two prerequisites to setting up Zigbee bindings with your Inovelli switch in SmartThings and they are:

  • Ensure what you're binding to your switch is Zigbee and supports Zigbee binding

  • Your Inovelli switch is using an Edge Driver

If you are binding a Blue Series Switch to a Philips Hue bulb, you will need the Hue bulb to be paired directly to the SmartThings hub (ie: it cannot be paired to the Philips Hue bridge). Zigbee bindings only work if each Zigbee device is on the same hub.

For a full list of Zigbee Compatible Bulbs that we've tested, please see the Zigbee Bulb Compatibility Chart or scroll to the bottom of the page.

Edge Driver Check

Before we get into setting up the bindings we need to make sure that your Inovelli switch is using the Inovelli Edge Driver (it should by default be picked up when you paired your device, just in case it hasn't we can check quickly). It will make it easier if the device you're binding to the Inovelli device is also using an Edge Driver, but it can be done without one.

The quick and easy way to determine whether or not your devices are using an Edge Driver is to do the following:

  1. Open up your SmartThings App and click on, "Devices" at the bottom

  2. Search for the device you want to check and click on it

  3. Click on the three dots at the top right and look to see whether or not it says, "Driver" (if it does, then your device is using an Edge Driver)

Edge Driver Installation

In an effort to keep directions consolidated into one area, please see the, "SmartThings Edge Driver Installation" page for instructions on how to install the Edge Driver for your Inovelli device.

For non-Inovelli devices, please reach out to SmartThings support, the device manufacturer, or comment in either the SmartThings or the Inovelli community for advice. As of January 2023, most devices have transitioned over to some sort of Edge Driver, but it's best to check with the manufacturer as to which Driver you should use.

Determining Which Binding Setup To Use

Now that we've got the prerequisites out of the way, we can determine what type of Zigbee Bindings to use: Individual or Group Bindings.

For simplicity sake, if you have two devices that need to be bound together, we recommend using Individual Bindings, whereas if you have more than two devices that need to be bound together, you should use Group Bindings.

IMPORTANT: Some bulbs do not support Group Binding and therefore you must use Individual Binding. We will discuss this more in the Group Binding section.

Setup Instructions - Individual Bindings

We recommend individual bindings when there are only two devices being bound together. If you have more than two devices, please use group binding (if you can).

Below we will walk through a couple different scenarios where you'd want to use Zigbee binding: Switch to Bulb and Switch to Switch.

Switch to Bulb(s)

Please select your scenario below. Remember, if you have more than two (2) Zigbee devices, we recommend Group Bindings for the best experience.

Philips Hue: Again, at this time, if you have Philips Hue, you will have to use individual bindings until they have an Edge Driver. Please select, "Smart Bulb is using a Device Handler (DTH)" in the instructions below.

Smart Bulb(s) Wired to Smart Switch

Please select from the following drop-downs based on the number of smart bulbs you have. Please note that in this scenario, your smart switch is wired directly to your smart bulbs and we will be utilizing Smart Bulb Mode.

Smart Switch Wired to 1x Smart Bulb

In this example, we will use the combination of Smart Bulb Mode (to keep full power to your smart bulbs) plus Zigbee Binding. This part is broken into two sections: Getting the Zigbee ID and Zigbee Binding

Getting the Zigbee ID

In order to bind the Zigbee devices together, we need to identify which devices will be bound together. To do this, we need to get the Zigbee ID's. SmartThings does not have an easy way to do this, so apologies for the extra steps.

  1. First, we'll need to create a SmartThings Access Token so that we can ultimately find the smart bulb(s) information -- head to the following link and login:

    Click on, "Generate new token"

  2. Enter in a Token Name, select everything in the sections titled, "Devices" and "Locations" and then click, "Generate Token"

  3. WRITE DOWN THE TOKEN AND SAVE IT!!! You will not be able to access this token again so you want to make sure you have it for future reference. Click on, "Copy token" move to Step 4.

  4. Once you have the token saved in a secure place and copied to your clipboard, please go to the following URL, enter the access token and click, "Submit" (you should see your hub location and the various rooms you've created in the SmartThings app):

  5. Find your device and click on the, "i"

  6. Locate where it says, "eui" and copy the 16 digit code (Zigbee ID)

Zigbee Binding

Now we will bind your switch to your smart bulb. In this example, we will assume the smart bulb is the load on your smart switch (ie: the bulb socket is wired directly to your switch) -- and because of this assumption, we will also use Smart Bulb Mode (which provides constant power to your smart bulb and uses a digital signal to turn it on and off -- in this case Zigbee binding).

Reminder: You need to have the Edge Driver installed on your Inovelli switch.

  1. Open up your SmartThings app, and click on, "Devices"

  2. Locate your Inovelli switch and click on it

  3. Click on the three dots at the top right and select, "Settings"

  4. Scroll down to where it says, "52. Smart Bulb Mode" and select it

  5. Click on, "Smart Bulb Mode" and then "OK"

  6. Scroll down to the bottom where it says, "Bind # 1, Bind #2, etc."

  7. Click on, "Bind # X where X is the first available binding slot", enter in the device eui (from step 6 in the "Getting the Zigbee ID" section), a "/" slash, and the endpoint (exactly as shown in the example) and click, "Save"

    NOTE: For Philips Hue, the endpoint is 11, for Osram, the endpoint is 3, and for all others the endpoint is 1. If you are unable to get Bindings to work, please reach out to let us know the bulb make/model and we will try to figure out the endpoint

    In this example, we will enter the 16 digit eui followed by 11 since we're binding to a Philips Hue bulb: 001799020C42801A/11

  8. Go back to the device page and then test your switch bindings. You should be able to tap up or down on the light switch and your smart bulb will turn on or off. In addition, you should be able to hold up or down to dim up or down the light bulb (assuming you've set your switch to work as a Dimmer).

    If you'd like to control the colors from the switch (ie: double-tap to change the bulb to blue, triple-tap to change the bulb to red, etc), check out the instructions for Scene Control

Smart Switch Wired to Multiple Smart Bulbs

In this example, we will use the combination of Smart Bulb Mode (to keep full power to your smart bulbs) plus Zigbee Binding.

NOTE: Only use this method if Group Bindings is not an option. Please check the Group Bindings instructions to make sure your setup supports it or not.

Feel free to follow the written instructions below by clicking the drop downs:

Getting the Zigbee ID

In order to bind the Zigbee devices together, we need to identify which devices will be bound together. To do this, we need to get the Zigbee ID's. SmartThings does not have an easy way to do this, so apologies for the extra steps.

  1. First, we'll need to create a SmartThings Access Token so that we can ultimately find the smart bulb(s) information -- head to the following link and login:

    Click on, "Generate new token"

  2. Enter in a Token Name, select everything in the sections titled, "Devices" and "Locations" and then click, "Generate Token"

  3. WRITE DOWN THE TOKEN AND SAVE IT!!! You will not be able to access this token again so you want to make sure you have it for future reference. Click on, "Copy token" move to Step 4.

  4. Once you have the token saved in a secure place and copied to your clipboard, please go to the following URL, enter the access token and click, "Submit" (you should see your hub location and the various rooms you've created in the SmartThings app):

  5. Find your device and click on the, "i"

  6. Locate where it says, "eui" and copy the 16 digit code (Zigbee ID)

  7. Please follow Steps #5 and #6 for each smart bulb you want to bind to your smart switch and copy all the EUI numbers.

Zigbee Binding

Now we will bind your switch to your smart bulb. In this example, we will assume the smart bulb is the load on your smart switch (ie: the bulb socket is wired directly to your switch) -- and because of this assumption, we will also use Smart Bulb Mode (which provides constant power to your smart bulb and uses a digital signal to turn it on and off -- in this case Zigbee binding).

Reminder: You need to have the Edge Driver installed on your Inovelli switch.

  1. Open up your SmartThings app, and click on, "Devices"

  2. Locate your Inovelli switch and click on it

  3. Click on the three dots at the top right and select, "Settings"

  4. Scroll down to where it says, "52. Smart Bulb Mode" and select it

  5. Click on, "Smart Bulb Mode" and then "OK"

  6. Scroll down to the bottom where it says, "Bind # 1, Bind #2, etc."

  7. Click on, "Bind # X where X is the first available binding slot", enter in the device eui (from step 6 in the "Getting the Zigbee ID" section), a "/" slash, and the endpoint (exactly as shown in the example) and click, "Save"

    NOTE: For Philips Hue, the endpoint is 11, for Osram, the endpoint is 3, and for all others the endpoint is 1. If you are unable to get Bindings to work, please reach out to let us know the bulb make/model and we will try to figure out the endpoint

    In this example, we will enter the 16 digit eui followed by 11 since we're binding to a Philips Hue bulb: 001799020C42801A/11

  8. Enter each bulb eui/endpoint into the sequential Binding #. For example, Bulb #1 would go to, "Bind #1", Bulb #2 would go to, "Bind #2", etc.

  9. Go back to the device page and then test your switch bindings. You should be able to tap up or down on the light switch and your smart bulb will turn on or off. In addition, you should be able to hold up or down to dim up or down the light bulb (assuming you've set your switch to work as a Dimmer).

    If you'd like to control the colors from the switch (ie: double-tap to change the bulb to blue, triple-tap to change the bulb to red, etc), check out the instructions for Scene Control

Smart Bulb(s) NOT Wired to Smart Switch

Please select from the following drop-downs based on the number of smart bulbs you have. Please note that in this scenario, your smart switch is not wired directly to your smart bulbs and therefore we will not be using Smart Bulb Mode.

Smart Switch to 1x Smart Bulb

This part is broken into two sections: Getting the Zigbee ID and Zigbee Binding

Getting the Zigbee ID

In order to bind the Zigbee devices together, we need to identify which devices will be bound together. To do this, we need to get the Zigbee ID's. SmartThings does not have an easy way to do this, so apologies for the extra steps.

  1. First, we'll need to create a SmartThings Access Token so that we can ultimately find the smart bulb(s) information -- head to the following link and login:

    Click on, "Generate new token"

  2. Enter in a Token Name, select everything in the sections titled, "Devices" and "Locations" and then click, "Generate Token"

  3. WRITE DOWN THE TOKEN AND SAVE IT!!! You will not be able to access this token again so you want to make sure you have it for future reference. Click on, "Copy token" move to Step 4.

  4. Once you have the token saved in a secure place and copied to your clipboard, please go to the following URL, enter the access token and click, "Submit" (you should see your hub location and the various rooms you've created in the SmartThings app):

  5. Find your device and click on the, "i"

  6. Locate where it says, "eui" and copy the 16 digit code (Zigbee ID)

Zigbee Binding

Now we will bind your switch to your smart bulb. In this example, we will assume the smart bulb is the load on your smart switch (ie: the bulb socket is wired directly to your switch) -- and because of this assumption, we will also use Smart Bulb Mode (which provides constant power to your smart bulb and uses a digital signal to turn it on and off -- in this case Zigbee binding).

Reminder: You need to have the Edge Driver installed on your Inovelli switch.

  1. Open up your SmartThings app, and click on, "Devices"

  2. Locate your Inovelli switch and click on it

  3. Click on the three dots at the top right and select, "Settings"

  4. Scroll down to the bottom where it says, "Bind # 1, Bind #2, etc."

  5. Click on, "Bind # X where X is the first available binding slot", enter in the device eui (from step 6 in the "Getting the Zigbee ID" section), a "/" slash, and the endpoint (exactly as shown in the example) and click, "Save"

    NOTE: For Philips Hue, the endpoint is 11, for Osram, the endpoint is 3, and for all others the endpoint is 1. If you are unable to get Bindings to work, please reach out to let us know the bulb make/model and we will try to figure out the endpoint

    In this example, we will enter the 16 digit eui followed by 11 since we're binding to a Philips Hue bulb: 001799020C42801A/11

  6. Go back to the device page and then test your switch bindings. You should be able to tap up or down on the light switch and your smart bulb will turn on or off. In addition, you should be able to hold up or down to dim up or down the light bulb (assuming you've set your switch to work as a Dimmer).

    If you'd like to control the colors from the switch (ie: double-tap to change the bulb to blue, triple-tap to change the bulb to red, etc), check out the instructions for Scene Control

Smart Switch to Multiple Smart Bulbs

NOTE: Only use this method if Group Bindings is not an option. Please check the Group Bindings instructions to make sure your setup supports it or not.

Feel free to follow the written instructions below by clicking the drop downs:

Getting the Zigbee ID

In order to bind the Zigbee devices together, we need to identify which devices will be bound together. To do this, we need to get the Zigbee ID's. SmartThings does not have an easy way to do this, so apologies for the extra steps.

  1. First, we'll need to create a SmartThings Access Token so that we can ultimately find the smart bulb(s) information -- head to the following link and login:

    Click on, "Generate new token"

  2. Enter in a Token Name, select everything in the sections titled, "Devices" and "Locations" and then click, "Generate Token"

  3. WRITE DOWN THE TOKEN AND SAVE IT!!! You will not be able to access this token again so you want to make sure you have it for future reference. Click on, "Copy token" move to Step 4.

  4. Once you have the token saved in a secure place and copied to your clipboard, please go to the following URL, enter the access token and click, "Submit" (you should see your hub location and the various rooms you've created in the SmartThings app):

  5. Find your device and click on the, "i"

  6. Locate where it says, "eui" and copy the 16 digit code (Zigbee ID)

  7. Please follow Steps #5 and #6 for each smart bulb you want to bind to your smart switch and copy all the EUI numbers.

Zigbee Binding

Now we will bind your switch to your smart bulb. In this example, we will assume the smart bulb is the load on your smart switch (ie: the bulb socket is wired directly to your switch) -- and because of this assumption, we will also use Smart Bulb Mode (which provides constant power to your smart bulb and uses a digital signal to turn it on and off -- in this case Zigbee binding).

Reminder: You need to have the Edge Driver installed on your Inovelli switch.

  1. Open up your SmartThings app, and click on, "Devices"

  2. Locate your Inovelli switch and click on it

  3. Click on the three dots at the top right and select, "Settings"

  4. Scroll down to the bottom where it says, "Bind # 1, Bind #2, etc."

  5. Click on, "Bind # X where X is the first available binding slot", enter in the device eui (from step 6 in the "Getting the Zigbee ID" section), a "/" slash, and the endpoint (exactly as shown in the example) and click, "Save"

    NOTE: For Philips Hue, the endpoint is 11, for Osram, the endpoint is 3, and for all others the endpoint is 1. If you are unable to get Bindings to work, please reach out to let us know the bulb make/model and we will try to figure out the endpoint

    In this example, we will enter the 16 digit eui followed by 11 since we're binding to a Philips Hue bulb: 001799020C42801A/11

  6. Enter each bulb eui/endpoint into the sequential Binding #. For example, Bulb #1 would go to, "Bind #1", Bulb #2 would go to, "Bind #2", etc.

  7. Go back to the device page and then test your switch bindings. You should be able to tap up or down on the light switch and your smart bulb will turn on or off. In addition, you should be able to hold up or down to dim up or down the light bulb (assuming you've set your switch to work as a Dimmer).

    If you'd like to control the colors from the switch (ie: double-tap to change the bulb to blue, triple-tap to change the bulb to red, etc), check out the instructions for Scene Control

Switch to Switch

Please select the dropdown below for instructions. If you have more than two (2) Inovelli Blue Series switches, we recommend Group Bindings for the best experience.

2x Smart Switches (ie: Switch to Switch)

This part is broken into two sections: Getting the Zigbee ID and Zigbee Binding

Getting the Zigbee ID

In order to bind the Zigbee devices together, we need to identify which devices will be bound together. To do this, we need to get the Zigbee ID's. SmartThings does not have an easy way to do this, so apologies for the extra steps.

  1. First, we'll need to create a SmartThings Access Token so that we can ultimately find the smart bulb(s) information -- head to the following link and login:

    Click on, "Generate new token"

  2. Enter in a Token Name, select everything in the sections titled, "Devices" and "Locations" and then click, "Generate Token"

  3. WRITE DOWN THE TOKEN AND SAVE IT!!! You will not be able to access this token again so you want to make sure you have it for future reference. Click on, "Copy token" move to Step 4.

  4. Once you have the token saved in a secure place and copied to your clipboard, please go to the following URL, enter the access token and click, "Submit" (you should see your hub location and the various rooms you've created in the SmartThings app):

  5. Find your device (ie: Light Switch #1) and click on the, "i"

  6. Locate where it says, "eui" and copy the 16 digit code (Zigbee ID)

  7. Repeat Steps #5 and #6 to locate and copy the EUI for your other switch (ie: Light Switch #2)

Zigbee Binding

Now we will bind your switches together. Again, if you have more than two Inovelli switches, we recommend using Group Binding.

Reminder: You need to have the Edge Driver installed on your Inovelli switches.

  1. Open up your SmartThings app, and click on, "Devices"

  2. Locate your the first Inovelli switch (ie: Light Switch #1) and click on it

  3. Click on the three dots at the top right and select, "Settings"

  4. Scroll down to the bottom where it says, "Bind # 1, Bind #2, etc."

  5. Click on, "Bind # X where X is the first available binding slot", enter in the device eui (from step 6 in the "Getting the Zigbee ID" section), a "/" slash, and the endpoint (exactly as shown in the example) and click, "Save"

    NOTE: The endpoint for Inovelli switches is 1.

    In this example, we will enter the 16 digit eui followed by 1 since we're binding to another Inovelli switch: 94DEB8FFFEF20E51/1

  6. Now go to the switch you just bound this switch to (ie: Light Switch #2) and follow Steps #3 through #5 and use the appropriate EUI from Step #7 of the, "Getting the Zigbee ID" section (ie: the EUI for Light Switch #1).

  7. Go back to the device page and then test your switch bindings. You should be able to tap up or down on Light Switch #1 and Light Switch #2 will turn on or off and vice versa. In addition, you should be able to hold up or down to dim up or down from either switch (assuming you've set your switch to work as a Dimmer).

Setup Instructions - Group Binding

We recommend group bindings when there are more than two devices being bound together. If you have two devices, please use individual binding in the section above.

Unfortunately until Philips Hue gets an Edge Driver, you'll have to use Individual Bindings for 2+ devices and you may not have the best user experience depending on the size of your network (over 26 Zigbee devices).

The concept of group bindings is to create a group of Zigbee devices (ie: bulbs or switches) and then bind your switch to the group.

NOTE: If you are binding a group of Inovelli switches together you can skip steps 1-6 and just do steps 7-9 for each switch you want in the group.

Switch(es) to Bulb(s)

Please select your scenario below.

Smart Bulb(s) Wired to Smart Switch(es)

Please note that in this scenario, your smart switch is wired directly to your smart bulbs and we will be utilizing Smart Bulb Mode.

Smart Bulb(s) Wired to Smart Switch(es)

In this example, we will use the combination of Smart Bulb Mode (to keep full power to your smart bulbs) plus Zigbee Binding.

  1. First, if you are binding to a group of bulbs, please install the Mariano SmartThings Edge driver named "Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc":

  2. Next, apply that driver to your bulb if it doesn't get applied automatically during inclusion. Go to the bulb in the ST app, click in the upper right hand corner, select "Driver", and then "Select different driver".


  3. Find the "Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc" driver and choose "Apply"

  4. Now we can go into the device "Settings". This is done by clicking the upper right corner option and choosing: "Settings". Scroll down to the bottom until you find "Add Group Number".

  5. Choose a group number that is unique that you have not used previously (if you are doing this more than once). It can be any number between 1-65535. In this example I have chosen 333.


  6. Navigate to the Blue Series Switch(es) in SmartThings, go to "Settings" (click on the three dots at the top right) and scroll down to the very bottom where it says "Group Bind #1". Enter the same group number you chose above. Repeat these steps for any additional Inovelli switches or bulbs you have.


  7. Since we are controlling smart bulbs and have them wired directly to our smart switches, you'll want to enable, "Smart Bulb Mode" (which can be found in the settings under Parameter 52) for any switch that is wired to a smart bulb

  8. That is it! You should now be able to control your bulbs in group #333 directly with the Inovelli switch. This "multicast" method of communication should be instant and very reliable.

Smart Bulb(s) Not Wired to Smart Switch(es)

Please note that in this scenario, your smart switch is note wired directly to your smart bulbs and we will not be utilizing Smart Bulb Mode.

Smart Bulb(s) Not Wired to Smart Switch(es)

  1. First, if you are binding to a group of bulbs, please install the Mariano SmartThings Edge driver named "Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc":

  2. Next, apply that driver to your bulb if it doesn't get applied automatically during inclusion. Go to the bulb in the ST app, click in the upper right hand corner, select "Driver", and then "Select different driver".


  3. Find the "Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc" driver and choose "Apply"

  4. Now we can go into the device "Settings". This is done by clicking the upper right corner option and choosing: "Settings". Scroll down to the bottom until you find "Add Group Number".

  5. Choose a group number that is unique that you have not used previously (if you are doing this more than once). It can be any number between 1-65535. In this example I have chosen 333.


  6. Navigate to the Blue Series Switch(es) in SmartThings, go to "Settings" (click on the three dots at the top right) and scroll down to the very bottom where it says "Group Bind #1". Enter the same group number you chose above. Repeat these steps for any additional Inovelli switches or bulbs you have.


  7. That is it! You should now be able to control your bulbs in group #333 directly with the Inovelli switch. This "multicast" method of communication should be instant and very reliable.

3+ Smart Switches

In the below example, you have more then two smart switches that need to be bound together. Please be sure to have the Inovelli Edge Driver installed on your switches and they are all Blue Series switches.

3+ Smart Switches

  1. Navigate to each of your Blue Series Switches in SmartThings, go to "Settings" (click on the three dots at the top right) and scroll down to the very bottom where it says "Group Bind #1". Enter a unique group number (in this case, I chose 333). Repeat these steps for any additional Inovelli switches or bulbs you have.


  2. That is it! You should now be able to control each switch in group #333 and they should all turn on/off and dim (if they are set to be dimmers). This "multicast" method of communication should be instant and very reliable.

Zigbee Bulb Compatibility Chart

We’ve tested Zigbee binding with the following Zigbee products on our switches:

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